Trenchant meaning in Hindi

Trenchant is a english word.

Trenchant Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • trenchant = बलपूर्वक{तर्क इत्यादि के}

    • Usage: His trenchant critism was not called for.

Trenchant Meaning in Detail

  • trenchant (adj) = having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect

    Synonyms: searching, trenchant

    • Usage: searching insights
    • Usage: trenchant criticism
  • trenchant (adj) = characterized by or full of force and vigor

    Synonyms: hard-hitting, trenchant

    • Usage: a hard-hitting expose
    • Usage: a trenchant argument
  • trenchant (adj) = clearly or sharply defined to the mind

    Synonyms: clear-cut, distinct, trenchant

    • Usage: clear-cut evidence of tampering
    • Usage: Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest
    • Usage: trenchant distinctions between right and wrong
  • Other words to learn

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