Truly meaning in Hindi

Truly is a english word.

Truly Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • truly = सचमुच

    • Usage: He is truly a great Politician.

Truly Meaning in Detail

  • truly (adv) = in accordance with truth or fact or reality

    Synonyms: truly, genuinely, really

    • Usage: she was now truly American
    • Usage: a genuinely open society
    • Usage: they don't really listen to us
  • truly (adv) = by right

    Synonyms: rightfully, truly

    • Usage: baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime
  • truly (adv) = with sincerity; without pretense

    Synonyms: sincerely, unfeignedly, truly

    • Usage: she praised him sincerely for his victory
    • Usage: was unfeignedly glad to see his old teacher
    • Usage: we are truly sorry for the inconvenience
  • truly (adv) = in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers)

    Synonyms: in_truth, really, truly

    • Usage: in truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire
    • Usage: really, you shouldn't have done it
    • Usage: a truly awful book
  • Other words to learn

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