Unbalanced meaning in Hindi

Unbalanced is a english word.

Unbalanced Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • unbalanced = असंतुलित

    • Usage: He fell ill due to unbalanced diet.

Unbalanced Meaning in Detail

  • unbalanced (verb) = throw out of balance or equilibrium

    Synonyms: unbalance

    • Usage: The tax relief unbalanced the budget
    • Usage: The prima donna unbalances the smooth work in our department
  • unbalanced (verb) = derange mentally, throw out of mental balance; make insane

    Synonyms: unbalance, derange

    • Usage: The death of his parents unbalanced him
  • unbalanced (adj) = being or thrown out of equilibrium

    Synonyms: unbalanced, imbalanced

  • unbalanced (adj) = affected with madness or insanity

    Synonyms: brainsick, crazy, demented, disturbed, mad, sick, unbalanced, unhinged

    • Usage: a man who had gone mad
  • unbalanced (adj) = debits and credits are not equal

    Synonyms: unbalanced

  • Other words to learn

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