Unwind meaning in Hindi

Unwind is a english word.

Unwind Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • unwind = उधेड़

    • Usage: She is unwinding a ball of yarn.
  • unwind = शांत हो जाना

    • Usage: Music unwinds all my tensions.

Unwind Meaning in Detail

  • unwind (verb) = reverse the winding or twisting of

    Synonyms: unwind, wind_off, unroll

    • Usage: unwind a ball of yarn
  • unwind (verb) = separate the tangles of

    Synonyms: unwind, disentangle

  • unwind (verb) = become less tense, rest, or take one's ease

    Synonyms: relax, loosen_up, unbend, unwind, decompress, slow_down

    • Usage: He relaxed in the hot tub
    • Usage: Let's all relax after a hard day's work
  • unwind (verb) = cause to feel relaxed

    Synonyms: relax, unstrain, unlax, loosen_up, unwind, make_relaxed

    • Usage: A hot bath always relaxes me
  • Other words to learn

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