Urge meaning in Hindi

Urge is a english word.

Urge Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • urge = उकसाना

    • Usage: I urged him to finish his studies
  • urge = आवेग/प्रेरणा

    • Usage: He has a strong urge to go to space.

Urge Meaning in Detail

  • urge (noun) = an instinctive motive

    Synonyms: urge, impulse

    • Usage: profound religious impulses
  • urge (noun) = a strong restless desire

    Synonyms: urge, itch

    • Usage: why this urge to travel?
  • urge (verb) = force or impel in an indicated direction

    Synonyms: urge, urge_on, press, exhort

    • Usage: I urged him to finish his studies
  • urge (verb) = push for something

    Synonyms: recommend, urge, advocate

    • Usage: The travel agent recommended strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day
  • urge (verb) = spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts

    Synonyms: cheer, root_on, inspire, urge, barrack, urge_on, exhort, pep_up

    • Usage: The crowd cheered the demonstrating strikers
  • Other words to learn

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