Whiff meaning in Hindi

Whiff is a english word.

Whiff Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • whiff = हल्की गन्ध

    • Usage: The room is filled with whiff of liquor.

Whiff Meaning in Detail

  • whiff (noun) = a short light gust of air

    Synonyms: puff, puff_of_air, whiff

  • whiff (noun) = a lefteye flounder found in coastal waters from New England to Brazil

    Synonyms: whiff

  • whiff (noun) = a strikeout resulting from the batter swinging at and missing the ball for the third strike

    Synonyms: whiff

  • whiff (verb) = perceive by inhaling through the nose

    Synonyms: sniff, whiff

    • Usage: sniff the perfume
  • whiff (verb) = drive or carry as if by a puff of air

    Synonyms: whiff

    • Usage: The gust of air whiffed away the clouds
  • whiff (verb) = strike out by swinging and missing the pitch charged as the third

    Synonyms: whiff

  • whiff (verb) = smoke and exhale strongly

    Synonyms: puff, whiff

    • Usage: puff a cigar
    • Usage: whiff a pipe
  • whiff (verb) = utter with a puff of air

    Synonyms: whiff

    • Usage: whiff out a prayer
  • Other words to learn

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