Yielding meaning in Hindi

Yielding is a english word.

Yielding Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • yielding = नर्म

    • Usage: I practised polevault with an yielding bamboo stick.

Yielding Meaning in Detail

  • yielding (noun) = a verbal act of admitting defeat

    Synonyms: giving_up, yielding, surrender

  • yielding (noun) = the act of conceding or yielding

    Synonyms: concession, conceding, yielding

  • yielding (verb) = be the cause or source of

    Synonyms: yield, give, afford

    • Usage: He gave me a lot of trouble
    • Usage: Our meeting afforded much interesting information
  • yielding (verb) = end resistance, as under pressure or force

    Synonyms: give_way, yield

    • Usage: The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram
  • yielding (verb) = give or supply

    Synonyms: render, yield, return, give, generate

    • Usage: The cow brings in 5 liters of milk
    • Usage: This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn
    • Usage: The estate renders some revenue for the family
  • yielding (verb) = give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another

    Synonyms: concede, yield, cede, grant

  • yielding (verb) = give in, as to influence or pressure

    Synonyms: yield, relent, soften

  • yielding (verb) = move in order to make room for someone for something

    Synonyms: move_over, give_way, give, ease_up, yield

    • Usage: The park gave way to a supermarket
    • Usage: `Move over,' he told the crowd
  • yielding (verb) = cause to happen or be responsible for

    Synonyms: give, yield

    • Usage: His two singles gave the team the victory
  • yielding (verb) = be willing to concede

    Synonyms: concede, yield, grant

    • Usage: I grant you this much
  • yielding (verb) = be fatally overwhelmed

    Synonyms: succumb, yield

  • yielding (verb) = bring in

    Synonyms: yield, pay, bear

    • Usage: interest-bearing accounts
    • Usage: How much does this savings certificate pay annually?
  • yielding (verb) = be flexible under stress of physical force

    Synonyms: give, yield

    • Usage: This material doesn't give
  • yielding (verb) = cease opposition; stop fighting

    Synonyms: yield

  • yielding (verb) = consent reluctantly

    Synonyms: yield, give_in, succumb, knuckle_under, buckle_under

  • yielding (adj) = inclined to yield to argument or influence or control

    Synonyms: yielding

    • Usage: a timid yielding person
  • yielding (adj) = lacking stiffness and giving way to pressure

    Synonyms: yielding

    • Usage: a deep yielding layer of foam rubber
  • yielding (adj) = tending to give in or surrender or agree

    Synonyms: yielding

    • Usage: too yielding to make a stand against any encroachments"- V.I.Parrington
  • Other words to learn

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