Affair meaning in Hindi

Affair is a english word.

Affair Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • affair = कारोबार/व्यापार

    • Usage: Its my private affair, you have nothing to do with it.
  • affair = प्रेम सम्बन्ध

    • Usage: She is having an affair with the boy next door.
  • affair = घटनाक्रम

    • Usage: Today's multimedia sources provide a clear insight on current affairs.

Affair Meaning in Detail

  • affair (noun) = a vaguely specified concern

    Synonyms: matter, affair, thing

    • Usage: several matters to attend to
    • Usage: it is none of your affair
    • Usage: things are going well
  • affair (noun) = a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship

    Synonyms: affair, affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement, amour

  • affair (noun) = a vaguely specified social event

    Synonyms: affair, occasion, social_occasion, function, social_function

    • Usage: the party was quite an affair
    • Usage: an occasion arranged to honor the president
    • Usage: a seemingly endless round of social functions
  • Other words to learn

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