Brief meaning in Hindi

Brief is a english word.

Brief Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • brief = संक्षिप्त

    • Usage: Covered the matter in a brief statement
  • brief = लघु

    • Usage: A brief stay in the country
  • brief = सारपत्र

    • Usage: In the beginning he presented a brief of the last meeting.

Brief Meaning in Detail

  • brief (noun) = a document stating the facts and points of law of a client's case

    Synonyms: brief, legal_brief

  • brief (noun) = a condensed written summary or abstract

    Synonyms: brief

  • brief (verb) = give essential information to someone

    Synonyms: brief

    • Usage: The reporters were briefed about the President's plan to invade
  • brief (adj) = of short duration or distance

    Synonyms: brief

    • Usage: a brief stay in the country
  • brief (adj) = concise and succinct

    Synonyms: brief

    • Usage: covered the matter in a brief statement
  • brief (adj) = (of clothing) very short

    Synonyms: abbreviated, brief

    • Usage: an abbreviated swimsuit
    • Usage: a brief bikini
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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