Cherry meaning in Hindi

Cherry is a english word.

Cherry Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • cherry = चेरी/एक प्रकार का फल

    • Usage: The cake was decorated with cherries.

Cherry Meaning in Detail

  • cherry (noun) = wood of any of various cherry trees especially the black cherry

    Synonyms: cherry

  • cherry (noun) = any of numerous trees and shrubs producing a small fleshy round fruit with a single hard stone; many also produce a valuable hardwood

    Synonyms: cherry, cherry_tree

  • cherry (noun) = a red fruit with a single hard stone

    Synonyms: cherry

  • cherry (noun) = a red the color of ripe cherries

    Synonyms: cerise, cherry, cherry_red

  • cherry (adj) = of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies

    Synonyms: red, reddish, ruddy, blood-red, carmine, cerise, cherry, cherry-red, crimson, ruby, ruby-red, scarlet

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