Compose meaning in Hindi

Compose is a english word.

Compose Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • compose = बनाना

    • Usage: Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
  • compose = रचना

    • Usage: I like the symphonies composed by Beethoven.
  • compose = धैर्य धारण करना

    • Usage: She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult

Compose Meaning in Detail

  • compose (verb) = form the substance of

    Synonyms: compose

    • Usage: Greed and ambition composed his personality
  • compose (verb) = write music

    Synonyms: compose, write

    • Usage: Beethoven composed nine symphonies
  • compose (verb) = produce a literary work

    Synonyms: write, compose, pen, indite

    • Usage: She composed a poem
    • Usage: He wrote four novels
  • compose (verb) = put together out of existing material

    Synonyms: compose, compile

    • Usage: compile a list
  • compose (verb) = calm (someone, especially oneself); make quiet

    Synonyms: compose

    • Usage: She had to compose herself before she could reply to this terrible insult
  • compose (verb) = make up plans or basic details for

    Synonyms: frame, compose, draw_up

    • Usage: frame a policy
  • Other words to learn

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