Confirm meaning in Hindi

Confirm is a english word.

Confirm Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • confirm = पक्का करना

    • Usage: The witnesses confirmed the victim's account.
  • confirm = ईसाई समाज में लेना

    • Usage: She was Baptized and confirmed at the age of thirteen.

Confirm Meaning in Detail

  • confirm (verb) = establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

    Synonyms: confirm, corroborate, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm

    • Usage: his story confirmed my doubts
    • Usage: The evidence supports the defendant
  • confirm (verb) = strengthen or make more firm

    Synonyms: confirm, reassert

    • Usage: The witnesses confirmed the victim's account
  • confirm (verb) = make more firm

    Synonyms: confirm

    • Usage: Confirm thy soul in self-control!
  • confirm (verb) = support a person for a position

    Synonyms: confirm

    • Usage: The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense
  • confirm (verb) = administer the rite of confirmation to

    Synonyms: confirm

    • Usage: the children were confirmed in their mother's faith
  • Other words to learn

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