Congratulate meaning in Hindi

Congratulate is a english word.

Congratulate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • congratulate = बधाई देना

    • Usage: I congratulated my friend on her success in exam.

Congratulate Meaning in Detail

  • congratulate (verb) = say something to someone that expresses praise

    Synonyms: compliment, congratulate

    • Usage: He complimented her on her last physics paper
  • congratulate (verb) = express congratulations

    Synonyms: congratulate, felicitate

  • congratulate (verb) = be proud of

    Synonyms: pride, plume, congratulate

    • Usage: He prides himself on making it into law school
  • congratulate (verb) = pride or congratulate (oneself) for an achievement

    Synonyms: preen, congratulate

  • Other words to learn

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