Corrupt meaning in Hindi

Corrupt is a english word.

Corrupt Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • corrupt = भ्रष्ट

    • Usage: Mohan is a highly corrupt officer.
  • corrupt = नियमों का अनुसरण न करनेवाला

    • Usage: I hate their corrupt industry.
  • corrupt = बिगड़ी हुई भाषा/लेख/डेटा आदि

    • Usage: That movie was a corrupt form of Howthorne's novel `The Scarlet Letter'.
  • corrupt = भ्रष्ट कर[हो जा]

  • corrupt = भ्रष्ट हो जाना

    • Usage: Violent and vulgar movies corrupt children's mind.

Corrupt Meaning in Detail

  • corrupt (verb) = corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality

    Synonyms: corrupt, pervert, subvert, demoralize, demoralise, debauch, debase, profane, vitiate, deprave, misdirect

    • Usage: debauch the young people with wine and women
    • Usage: Socrates was accused of corrupting young men
    • Usage: Do school counselors subvert young children?
    • Usage: corrupt the morals
  • corrupt (verb) = make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence

    Synonyms: bribe, corrupt, buy, grease_one's_palms

    • Usage: This judge can be bought
  • corrupt (verb) = place under suspicion or cast doubt upon

    Synonyms: defile, sully, corrupt, taint, cloud

    • Usage: sully someone's reputation
  • corrupt (verb) = alter from the original

    Synonyms: corrupt, spoil

  • corrupt (adj) = lacking in integrity

    Synonyms: corrupt

    • Usage: humanity they knew to be corrupt...from the day of Adam's creation
    • Usage: a corrupt and incompetent city government
  • corrupt (adj) = not straight; dishonest or immoral or evasive

    Synonyms: crooked, corrupt

  • corrupt (adj) = containing errors or alterations

    Synonyms: corrupt, corrupted

    • Usage: a corrupt text
    • Usage: spoke a corrupted version of the language
  • corrupt (adj) = touched by rot or decay

    Synonyms: corrupt, tainted

    • Usage: tainted bacon
    • Usage: `corrupt' is archaic
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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