Culmination meaning in Hindi

Culmination is a english word.

Culmination Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • culmination = पराकाष्ठा

    • Usage: The mountaineers reached the culmination

Culmination Meaning in Detail

  • culmination (noun) = a final climactic stage

    Synonyms: apogee, culmination

    • Usage: their achievements stand as a culmination of centuries of development
  • culmination (noun) = (astronomy) a heavenly body's highest celestial point above an observer's horizon

    Synonyms: culmination

  • culmination (noun) = the decisive moment in a novel or play

    Synonyms: climax, culmination

    • Usage: the deathbed scene is the climax of the play
  • culmination (noun) = a concluding action

    Synonyms: completion, culmination, closing, windup, mop_up

  • Other words to learn

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