Dim meaning in Hindi

Dim is a english word.

Dim Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dim = धुंधला

    • Usage: Studying in dim light spoils the eyesight.
  • dim = धुंधला होना/करना

    • Usage: Lights in the theatre were dimmed as the movie began.

Dim Meaning in Detail

  • dim (verb) = switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam

    Synonyms: dim, dip

  • dim (verb) = become dim or lusterless

    Synonyms: dim

    • Usage: the lights dimmed and the curtain rose
  • dim (verb) = make dim or lusterless

    Synonyms: dim

    • Usage: Time had dimmed the silver
  • dim (verb) = make dim by comparison or conceal

    Synonyms: blind, dim

  • dim (verb) = become vague or indistinct

    Synonyms: blur, dim, slur

    • Usage: The distinction between the two theories blurred
  • dim (adj) = lacking in light; not bright or harsh

    Synonyms: dim, subdued

    • Usage: a dim light beside the bed
    • Usage: subdued lights and soft music
  • dim (adj) = lacking clarity or distinctness

    Synonyms: dim, faint, shadowy, vague, wispy

    • Usage: a dim figure in the distance
    • Usage: only a faint recollection
    • Usage: shadowy figures in the gloom
    • Usage: saw a vague outline of a building through the fog
    • Usage: a few wispy memories of childhood
  • dim (adj) = made dim or less bright

    Synonyms: dimmed, dim

    • Usage: the dimmed houselights brought a hush of anticipation
    • Usage: dimmed headlights
    • Usage: we like dimmed lights when we have dinner
  • dim (adj) = offering little or no hope

    Synonyms: black, bleak, dim

    • Usage: the future looked black
    • Usage: prospects were bleak
    • Usage: Life in the Aran Islands has always been bleak and difficult"- J.M.Synge
    • Usage: took a dim view of things
  • dim (adj) = slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity

    Synonyms: dense, dim, dull, dumb, obtuse, slow

    • Usage: so dense he never understands anything I say to him
    • Usage: never met anyone quite so dim
    • Usage: although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick"- Thackeray
    • Usage: dumb officials make some really dumb decisions
    • Usage: he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse
    • Usage: worked with the slow students
  • Other words to learn

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