Flipping meaning in Hindi

Flipping is a english word.

Flipping Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • flipping = नापसंदगी दिखाना

  • flipping = नापसंदगी दिखाना

    • Usage: This is a flipping town.

Flipping Meaning in Detail

  • flipping (verb) = lightly throw to see which side comes up

    Synonyms: flip, toss

    • Usage: I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin!
  • flipping (verb) = cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation

    Synonyms: throw, flip, switch

    • Usage: switch on the light
    • Usage: throw the lever
  • flipping (verb) = look through a book or other written material

    Synonyms: flick, flip, thumb, riffle, leaf, riff

    • Usage: He thumbed through the report
    • Usage: She leafed through the volume
  • flipping (verb) = toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air

    Synonyms: flip, twitch

  • flipping (verb) = cause to move with a flick

    Synonyms: flip, flick

    • Usage: he flicked his Bic
  • flipping (verb) = throw or toss with a light motion

    Synonyms: flip, toss, sky, pitch

    • Usage: flip me the beachball
    • Usage: toss me newspaper
  • flipping (verb) = move with a flick or light motion

    Synonyms: flip

  • flipping (verb) = turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse

    Synonyms: flip, flip_over, turn_over

    • Usage: flip over the pork chop
    • Usage: turn over the pancakes
  • flipping (verb) = react in an excited, delighted, or surprised way

    Synonyms: flip, flip_out

    • Usage: he flipped when he heard that he was accepted into Princeton University
  • flipping (verb) = go mad, go crazy

    Synonyms: flip, flip_out

    • Usage: He flipped when he heard that he was being laid off
  • flipping (verb) = reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)

    Synonyms: interchange, tack, switch, alternate, flip, flip-flop

  • Other words to learn

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