Forever meaning in Hindi

Forever is a english word.

Forever Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • forever = सदैव

    • Usage: They remained friends forever.

Forever Meaning in Detail

  • forever (adv) = for a limitless time

    Synonyms: everlastingly, eternally, forever, evermore

    • Usage: no one can live forever
    • Usage: brightly beams our Father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore"- P.P.Bliss
  • forever (adv) = for a very long or seemingly endless time

    Synonyms: forever, forever_and_a_day

    • Usage: she took forever to write the paper
    • Usage: we had to wait forever and a day
  • forever (adv) = without interruption

    Synonyms: constantly, always, forever, perpetually, incessantly

    • Usage: the world is constantly changing
  • Other words to learn

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