Govern meaning in Hindi

Govern is a english word.

Govern Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • govern = राज्य करना

    • Usage: The British governed India for over two hundred years.

Govern Meaning in Detail

  • govern (verb) = bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations

    Synonyms: regulate, regularize, regularise, order, govern

    • Usage: We cannot regulate the way people dress
    • Usage: This town likes to regulate
  • govern (verb) = direct or strongly influence the behavior of

    Synonyms: govern

    • Usage: His belief in God governs his conduct
  • govern (verb) = exercise authority over; as of nations

    Synonyms: govern, rule

    • Usage: Who is governing the country now?
  • govern (verb) = require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood

    Synonyms: govern

    • Usage: most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German
  • Other words to learn

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