Hertz meaning in Hindi

Hertz is a english word.

Hertz Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hertz = रेडियो में एक विद्युत तरंग

    • Usage: रेडिओ में कोई स्टेशन पकड़ने के लिये'hrtz' है.

Hertz Meaning in Detail

  • hertz (noun) = the unit of frequency; one hertz has a periodic interval of one second

    Synonyms: hertz, Hz, cycle_per_second, cycles/second, cps, cycle

  • hertz (noun) = German physicist who was the first to produce electromagnetic waves artificially (1857-1894)

    Synonyms: Hertz, Heinrich_Hertz, Heinrich_Rudolph_Hertz

  • hertz (noun) = German physicist who with James Franck proved the existence of the stationary energy states postulated by Bohr (1887-1975)

    Synonyms: Hertz, Gustav_Hertz, Gustav_Ludwig_Hertz

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