Housing meaning in Hindi

Housing is a english word.

Housing Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • housing = घर

    • Usage: गृह निर्माण मण्डल'housing'(घर) आसान किश्तों पर आवण्टित करती है.

Housing Meaning in Detail

  • housing (noun) = structures collectively in which people are housed

    Synonyms: housing, lodging, living_accommodations

  • housing (noun) = a protective cover designed to contain or support a mechanical component

    Synonyms: housing

  • housing (noun) = stable gear consisting of a decorated covering for a horse, especially (formerly) for a warhorse

    Synonyms: caparison, trapping, housing

  • housing (verb) = contain or cover

    Synonyms: house

    • Usage: This box houses the gears
  • housing (verb) = provide housing for

    Synonyms: house, put_up, domiciliate

    • Usage: The immigrants were housed in a new development outside the town
  • Other words to learn

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