Inactive meaning in Hindi

Inactive is a english word.

Inactive Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • inactive = निष्क्रिय

    • Usage: Some animals are inactive during the day time.

Inactive Meaning in Detail

  • inactive (adj) = (chemistry) not participating in a chemical reaction; chemically inert

    Synonyms: inactive

    • Usage: desired amounts of inactive chlorine
  • inactive (adj) = (pathology) not progressing or increasing; or progressing slowly

    Synonyms: inactive

  • inactive (adj) = (military) not involved in military operations

    Synonyms: nonoperational, inactive

  • inactive (adj) = not exerting influence or change

    Synonyms: inactive

  • inactive (adj) = (of e.g. volcanos) not erupting and not extinct

    Synonyms: dormant, inactive

    • Usage: a dormant volcano
  • inactive (adj) = lacking in energy or will

    Synonyms: passive, inactive

    • Usage: Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself"- George Meredith
  • inactive (adj) = lacking activity; lying idle or unused

    Synonyms: inactive

    • Usage: an inactive mine
    • Usage: inactive accounts
    • Usage: inactive machinery
  • inactive (adj) = not engaged in full-time work

    Synonyms: inactive

    • Usage: inactive reserve
    • Usage: an inactive member
  • inactive (adj) = not active physically or mentally

    Synonyms: inactive

    • Usage: illness forced him to live an inactive life
    • Usage: dreamy and inactive by nature
  • inactive (adj) = not in physical motion

    Synonyms: inactive, motionless, static, still

    • Usage: the inertia of an object at rest
  • Other words to learn

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