Maximum meaning in Hindi

Maximum is a english word.

Maximum Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • maximum = अधिकतम

    • Usage: The maximum temperature recorded in July was 30 degree C.
  • maximum = महत्तम

    • Usage: The maximum load for this truck is one ton.

Maximum Meaning in Detail

  • maximum (noun) = the largest possible quantity

    Synonyms: maximum, upper_limit

  • maximum (noun) = the greatest possible degree

    Synonyms: utmost, uttermost, maximum, level_best

    • Usage: he tried his utmost
  • maximum (noun) = the point on a curve where the tangent changes from positive on the left to negative on the right

    Synonyms: maximum

  • maximum (adj) = the greatest or most complete or best possible

    Synonyms: maximal, maximum

    • Usage: maximal expansion
    • Usage: maximum pressure
  • Other words to learn

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