Observance meaning in Hindi

Observance is a english word.

Observance Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • observance = सामाजिक/धार्मिक/नैतिक रीति{पालन}

    • Usage: Observance of college ruels is necessary.

Observance Meaning in Detail

  • observance (noun) = the act of observing; taking a patient look

    Synonyms: observation, observance, watching

  • observance (noun) = a formal event performed on a special occasion

    Synonyms: ceremony, ceremonial, ceremonial_occasion, observance

    • Usage: a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor
  • observance (noun) = the act of noticing or paying attention

    Synonyms: notice, observation, observance

    • Usage: he escaped the notice of the police
  • observance (noun) = conformity with law or custom or practice etc.

    Synonyms: honoring, observance

  • Other words to learn

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