Ostensible meaning in Hindi

Ostensible is a english word.

Ostensible Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • ostensible = प्रकट/प्रत्यक्ष

    • Usage: His ostensible purpose was charity, but his real goal is popularity.

Ostensible Meaning in Detail

  • ostensible (adj) = appearing as such but not necessarily so

    Synonyms: apparent, ostensible, seeming

    • Usage: for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent
    • Usage: the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies
    • Usage: the ostensible truth of their theories
    • Usage: his seeming honesty
  • ostensible (adj) = represented or appearing as such; pretended

    Synonyms: ostensible, ostensive

    • Usage: His ostensible purpose was charity, his real goal popularity
  • Other words to learn

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