Overcharge meaning in Hindi

Overcharge is a english word.

Overcharge Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • overcharge = अधिक मोल या अधिक दाम

    • Usage: The overcharge in the goods is very high
  • overcharge = अधिक दाम लगाना

    • Usage: The shopkeeper makes a profit by overcharge
  • overcharge = अधिक लाद देना या भार देना

    • Usage: The battery got spoilt due to overcharge

Overcharge Meaning in Detail

  • overcharge (noun) = a price that is too high

    Synonyms: overcharge

  • overcharge (verb) = rip off; ask an unreasonable price

    Synonyms: overcharge, soak, surcharge, gazump, fleece, plume, pluck, rob, hook

  • overcharge (verb) = place too much a load on

    Synonyms: overload, surcharge, overcharge

    • Usage: don't overload the car
  • Other words to learn

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