Overturn meaning in Hindi

Overturn is a english word.

Overturn Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • overturn = उलट देना/2.पराजित करना/3.बरबाद करना/नष्ट करना/उलट पलट करना

    • Usage: The car overturned and fell into the ditch

Overturn Meaning in Detail

  • overturn (noun) = the act of upsetting something

    Synonyms: upset, overturn, turnover

    • Usage: he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed
  • overturn (noun) = an improbable and unexpected victory

    Synonyms: overturn, upset

    • Usage: the biggest upset since David beat Goliath
  • overturn (verb) = turn from an upright or normal position

    Synonyms: overturn, turn_over, tip_over, tump_over

    • Usage: The big vase overturned
    • Usage: The canoe tumped over
  • overturn (verb) = cause to overturn from an upright or normal position

    Synonyms: overturn, tip_over, turn_over, upset, knock_over, bowl_over, tump_over

    • Usage: The cat knocked over the flower vase
    • Usage: the clumsy customer turned over the vase
    • Usage: he tumped over his beer
  • overturn (verb) = rule against

    Synonyms: overrule, overturn, override, overthrow, reverse

    • Usage: The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill
  • overturn (verb) = cause the downfall of; of rulers

    Synonyms: overthrow, subvert, overturn, bring_down

    • Usage: The Czar was overthrown
    • Usage: subvert the ruling class
  • overturn (verb) = cancel officially

    Synonyms: revoke, annul, lift, countermand, reverse, repeal, overturn, rescind, vacate

    • Usage: He revoked the ban on smoking
    • Usage: lift an embargo
    • Usage: vacate a death sentence
  • overturn (verb) = change radically

    Synonyms: revolutionize, revolutionise, overturn

    • Usage: E-mail revolutionized communication in academe
  • Other words to learn

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