Parrot meaning in Hindi

Parrot is a english word.

Parrot Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • parrot = तोता

    • Usage: Parrot's words are very sweet to listen.
  • parrot = अंधानुकरण करना

    • Usage: My youngest sister is parroting me to talk in my style.

Parrot Meaning in Detail

  • parrot (noun) = usually brightly colored zygodactyl tropical birds with short hooked beaks and the ability to mimic sounds

    Synonyms: parrot

  • parrot (noun) = a copycat who does not understand the words or acts being imitated

    Synonyms: parrot

  • parrot (verb) = repeat mindlessly

    Synonyms: parrot

    • Usage: The students parroted the teacher's words
  • Other words to learn

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