Philistine meaning in Hindi

Philistine is a english word.

Philistine Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • philistine = विषयासक्त

    • Usage: Navya dismissed critics of her work as philistines.

Philistine Meaning in Detail

  • philistine (noun) = a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits

    Synonyms: philistine, anti-intellectual, lowbrow

  • philistine (noun) = a member of an Aegean people who settled ancient Philistia around the 12th century BC

    Synonyms: Philistine

  • philistine (adj) = of or relating to ancient Philistia or its culture or its people

    Synonyms: Philistine

  • philistine (adj) = smug and ignorant and indifferent or hostile to artistic and cultural values

    Synonyms: anti-intellectual, philistine

  • Other words to learn

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