Prefigure meaning in Hindi

Prefigure is a english word.

Prefigure Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • prefigure = पूर्वकल्पना करना

    • Usage: Scientists prefigured a head on collision between the comet Dutta and the Earth.

Prefigure Meaning in Detail

  • prefigure (verb) = imagine or consider beforehand

    Synonyms: prefigure

    • Usage: It wasn't as bad as I had prefigured
  • prefigure (verb) = indicate by signs

    Synonyms: bode, portend, auspicate, prognosticate, omen, presage, betoken, foreshadow, augur, foretell, prefigure, forecast, predict

    • Usage: These signs bode bad news
  • Other words to learn

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