Premier meaning in Hindi

Premier is a english word.

Premier Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • premier = प्रधान

    • Usage: Tata is the premier producer of steel in India.
  • premier = प्रधान मंत्री

    • Usage: The first woman premier is Sirimao Bandarunayake.

Premier Meaning in Detail

  • premier (noun) = the person who holds the position of head of the government in the United Kingdom

    Synonyms: Prime_Minister, PM, premier

  • premier (noun) = the person who is head of state (in several countries)

    Synonyms: chancellor, premier, prime_minister

  • premier (verb) = be performed for the first time

    Synonyms: premier, premiere

    • Usage: We premiered the opera of the young composer and it was a critical success
  • premier (verb) = perform a work for the first time

    Synonyms: premier, premiere

  • premier (adj) = first in rank or degree

    Synonyms: premier, prime

    • Usage: an architect of premier rank
    • Usage: the prime minister
  • premier (adj) = preceding all others in time

    Synonyms: premier, premiere

    • Usage: the premiere showing
  • Other words to learn

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