Quench meaning in Hindi

Quench is a english word.

Quench Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • quench = बुझाना

    • Usage: Take water and quench your thirst.

Quench Meaning in Detail

  • quench (verb) = satisfy (thirst)

    Synonyms: quench, slake, allay, assuage

    • Usage: The cold water quenched his thirst
  • quench (verb) = put out, as of fires, flames, or lights

    Synonyms: snuff_out, blow_out, extinguish, quench

    • Usage: Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained
    • Usage: quench the flames
    • Usage: snuff out the candles
  • quench (verb) = electronics: suppress (sparking) when the current is cut off in an inductive circuit, or suppress (an oscillation or discharge) in a component or device

    Synonyms: quench

  • quench (verb) = suppress or crush completely

    Synonyms: squelch, quell, quench

    • Usage: squelch any sign of dissent
    • Usage: quench a rebellion
  • quench (verb) = reduce the degree of (luminescence or phosphorescence) in (excited molecules or a material) by adding a suitable substance

    Synonyms: quench

  • quench (verb) = cool (hot metal) by plunging into cold water or other liquid

    Synonyms: quench

    • Usage: quench steel
  • Other words to learn

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