Sacrament meaning in Hindi

Sacrament is a english word.

Sacrament Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sacrament = संस्कार

    • Usage: The sacrement of baptism.
  • sacrament = परमसंस्कार/परमप्रसाद

    • Usage: Did you recieve the sacrament?

Sacrament Meaning in Detail

  • sacrament (noun) = a formal religious ceremony conferring a specific grace on those who receive it; the two Protestant ceremonies are baptism and the Lord's Supper; in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church there are seven traditional rites accepted as instituted by Jesus: baptism and confirmation and Holy Eucharist and penance and holy orders and matrimony and extreme unction

    Synonyms: sacrament

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