Slug meaning in Hindi

Slug is a english word.

Slug Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • slug = घोंघा

    • Usage: Chemicals are usualy sprayed to protect the crops from slug.
  • slug = शराब का छोटा घूँट

    • Usage: They all took a slug of brandy to ward off the cold.

Slug Meaning in Detail

  • slug (noun) = a projectile that is fired from a gun

    Synonyms: bullet, slug

  • slug (noun) = a unit of mass equal to the mass that accelerates at 1 foot/sec/sec when acted upon by a force of 1 pound; approximately 14.5939 kilograms

    Synonyms: slug

  • slug (noun) = a counterfeit coin

    Synonyms: slug

  • slug (noun) = an idle slothful person

    Synonyms: sluggard, slug

  • slug (noun) = an amount of an alcoholic drink (usually liquor) that is poured or gulped

    Synonyms: slug

    • Usage: he took a slug of hard liquor
  • slug (noun) = a strip of type metal used for spacing

    Synonyms: type_slug, slug

  • slug (noun) = any of various terrestrial gastropods having an elongated slimy body and no external shell

    Synonyms: slug

  • slug (noun) = (boxing) a blow with the fist

    Synonyms: punch, clout, poke, lick, biff, slug

    • Usage: I gave him a clout on his nose
  • slug (verb) = strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat

    Synonyms: slug, slog, swig

    • Usage: He slugged me so hard that I passed out
  • slug (verb) = be idle; exist in a changeless situation

    Synonyms: idle, laze, slug, stagnate

    • Usage: The old man sat and stagnated on his porch
    • Usage: He slugged in bed all morning
  • Other words to learn

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