Sob meaning in Hindi

Sob is a english word.

Sob Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • sob = सिसकना/हिचकी भरकर रोना

    • Usage: Poor boy! Why are your sobbing.
  • sob = सिसकी

    • Usage: Sarla's sobs gradually died down.

Sob Meaning in Detail

  • sob (noun) = a dyspneic condition

    Synonyms: shortness_of_breath, SOB, breathlessness

  • sob (noun) = insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous

    Synonyms: asshole, bastard, cocksucker, dickhead, shit, mother_fucker, motherfucker, prick, whoreson, son_of_a_bitch, SOB

  • sob (noun) = convulsive gasp made while weeping

    Synonyms: sob, sobbing

  • sob (verb) = weep convulsively

    Synonyms: sob

    • Usage: He was sobbing inconsolably
  • Other words to learn

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