Soundings meaning in Hindi

Soundings is a english word.

Soundings Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • soundings = जाँच

    • Usage: The survey team is taking soundings on the shortage of water supply.

Soundings Meaning in Detail

  • soundings (noun) = a measure of the depth of water taken with a sounding line

    Synonyms: sounding

  • soundings (noun) = the act of measuring depth of water (usually with a sounding line)

    Synonyms: sounding

  • soundings (verb) = appear in a certain way

    Synonyms: sound

    • Usage: This sounds interesting
  • soundings (verb) = make a certain noise or sound

    Synonyms: sound, go

    • Usage: She went `Mmmmm'
    • Usage: The gun went `bang'
  • soundings (verb) = give off a certain sound or sounds

    Synonyms: sound

    • Usage: This record sounds scratchy
  • soundings (verb) = announce by means of a sound

    Synonyms: sound

    • Usage: sound the alarm
  • soundings (verb) = utter with vibrating vocal chords

    Synonyms: voice, sound, vocalize, vocalise

  • soundings (verb) = cause to sound

    Synonyms: sound

    • Usage: sound the bell
    • Usage: sound a certain note
  • soundings (verb) = measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line

    Synonyms: fathom, sound

  • Other words to learn

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