Souse meaning in Hindi

Souse is a english word.

Souse Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • souse = भिगोना{मछली आदि}

  • souse = भिगोना

    • Usage: They soused his dress.
  • souse = खारे पानी में भिगोना{मछली आदि}

    • Usage: The soused herrings were still fresh.

Souse Meaning in Detail

  • souse (noun) = a person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually

    Synonyms: alcoholic, alky, dipsomaniac, boozer, lush, soaker, souse

  • souse (noun) = pork trimmings chopped and pickled and jelled

    Synonyms: souse

  • souse (noun) = the act of making something completely wet

    Synonyms: drenching, soaking, souse, sousing

    • Usage: he gave it a good drenching
  • souse (verb) = cover with liquid; pour liquid onto

    Synonyms: drench, douse, dowse, soak, sop, souse

    • Usage: souse water on his hot face
  • souse (verb) = immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate

    Synonyms: dunk, dip, souse, plunge, douse

    • Usage: dip the garment into the cleaning solution
    • Usage: dip the brush into the paint
  • souse (verb) = become drunk or drink excessively

    Synonyms: souse, soak, inebriate, hit_it_up

  • souse (verb) = cook in a marinade

    Synonyms: souse

    • Usage: souse herring
  • Other words to learn

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