Torch meaning in Hindi

Torch is a english word.

Torch Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • torch = टॉर्च

    • Usage: Torch is handy when there is a power failure.
  • torch = मशाल

    • Usage: Tribals living in the forests use torch to scare the wild animals.
  • torch = आग लगाना

    • Usage: The entire hamlet was torched by their enemies.

Torch Meaning in Detail

  • torch (noun) = a light usually carried in the hand; consists of some flammable substance

    Synonyms: torch

  • torch (noun) = tall-stalked very woolly mullein with densely packed yellow flowers; ancient Greeks and Romans dipped the stalks in tallow for funeral torches

    Synonyms: common_mullein, great_mullein, Aaron's_rod, flannel_mullein, woolly_mullein, torch, Verbascum_thapsus

  • torch (noun) = a small portable battery-powered electric lamp

    Synonyms: flashlight, torch

  • torch (noun) = a burner that mixes air and gas to produce a very hot flame

    Synonyms: blowtorch, torch, blowlamp

  • torch (verb) = burn maliciously, as by arson

    Synonyms: torch

    • Usage: The madman torched the barns
  • Other words to learn

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