Fission meaning in Hindi

Fission is a english word.

Fission Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fission = अणुओं का विभाजन

    • Usage: Atom Bombs are activated by fission of fissile material in them.
  • fission = जीव कोशो का विभाजन

    • Usage: Fission of cells in human body results in growth.

Fission Meaning in Detail

  • fission (noun) = reproduction of some unicellular organisms by division of the cell into two more or less equal parts

    Synonyms: fission

  • fission (noun) = a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy

    Synonyms: fission, nuclear_fission

  • Other words to learn

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