Outpourings meaning in Hindi

Outpourings is a english word.

Outpourings Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • outpourings = अत्युत्कट आविष्कार

    • Usage: Diana's death was the first ever show of British outpourings.

Outpourings Meaning in Detail

  • outpourings (noun) = a natural flow of ground water

    Synonyms: spring, fountain, outflow, outpouring, natural_spring

  • outpourings (noun) = a sudden rapid flow (as of water)

    Synonyms: flush, gush, outpouring

    • Usage: he heard the flush of a toilet
    • Usage: there was a little gush of blood
    • Usage: she attacked him with an outpouring of words
  • outpourings (noun) = the pouring forth of a fluid

    Synonyms: discharge, outpouring, run

  • outpourings (noun) = the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)

    Synonyms: barrage, bombardment, outpouring, onslaught

    • Usage: a barrage of questions
    • Usage: a bombardment of mail complaining about his mistake
  • outpourings (noun) = a large flow

    Synonyms: flood, overflow, outpouring

  • Other words to learn

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