Replication meaning in Hindi

Replication is a english word.

Replication Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • replication = प्रतिकृति

    • Usage: Replication of genes takes place in D.N.A.

Replication Meaning in Detail

  • replication (noun) = the act of making copies

    Synonyms: reproduction, replication

    • Usage: Gutenberg's reproduction of holy texts was far more efficient
  • replication (noun) = (genetics) the process whereby DNA makes a copy of itself before cell division

    Synonyms: replication

  • replication (noun) = a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one)

    Synonyms: rejoinder, retort, return, riposte, replication, comeback, counter

    • Usage: it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher
  • replication (noun) = (law) a pleading made by a plaintiff in reply to the defendant's plea or answer

    Synonyms: replication

  • replication (noun) = the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves

    Synonyms: echo, reverberation, sound_reflection, replication

    • Usage: she could hear echoes of her own footsteps
  • replication (noun) = copy that is not the original; something that has been copied

    Synonyms: replica, replication, reproduction

  • replication (noun) = the repetition of an experiment in order to test the validity of its conclusion

    Synonyms: replication

    • Usage: scientists will not believe an experimental result until they have seen at least one replication
  • Other words to learn

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