Awake meaning in Hindi

Awake is a english word.

Awake Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • awake = जागना

    • Usage: Ram awoke at 5a.m. in the morning.
    • Usage: राम प्रातः 5 बजे जागा.
  • awake = जगाना

    • Usage: Hari awoke Mina at six in the morning.
    • Usage:
  • awake = जागे हुए

    • Usage: The children were wide awake.
    • Usage: बच्चे पूरी तरह से जगे हुए थे.

Awake Meaning in Detail

  • awake (verb) = stop sleeping

    Synonyms: wake_up, awake, arouse, awaken, wake, come_alive, waken

    • Usage: She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock
  • awake (adj) = not in a state of sleep; completely conscious

    Synonyms: awake

    • Usage: lay awake thinking about his new job
    • Usage: still not fully awake
  • awake (adj) = mentally perceptive and responsive

    Synonyms: alert, alive, awake

    • Usage: an alert mind
    • Usage: alert to the problems
    • Usage: alive to what is going on
    • Usage: awake to the dangers of her situation
    • Usage: was now awake to the reality of his predicament
  • Other words to learn

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